Quick & Easy Lemon Artichoke Soup

Quick & Easy Lemon Artichoke Soup

• 64 oz. Chicken Broth – organic free range (or homemade)

• Juice of 1 Lemon

• 4-­‐6 Artichoke hearts – water packed, chopped

• ½ package of mushrooms, chopped or 6 chopped asparagus -­‐ optional

• 1 egg • 1 cooked chicken breast chopped or torn – optional

• 1/3 cup of cooked brown rice – optional

1. Heat chicken broth in a large pot

2. Add chopped artichokes and uncooked mushrooms (or asparagus)

3. In a medium sized bowl, beat the egg and add the lemon juice. Slowly ladle the hot broth into the egg mixture and slowly. Slowly pour the egg mixture back into the pot and slowly into the soup (so it doesn’t turn into “egg drop soup”)

4. Add cooked chicken – optional

5. Add cooked rice -­‐ optional

6. Simmer 10 -­‐ 15 minutes


