Sandy is a great coach.
This program offers a very practical approach to transitioning to a healthier lifestyle. The focus is on adding in the good things to leave less room for the “bad” which is nice. Sandy offers fabulous guidance in a very reasonable and non-judgmental way.
I wanted to take part ….to learn how my body reacts to what I eat/drink. The practical way of thinking about why we make the choices we do around food and helping to understand what may trigger cravings, etc. was really helpful to me. Sandy is a great coach.
— Lori S.
I feel leaner & my body is “working” better.
I have fewer cravings, my stomach is flatter and my clothing is loose! I have really enjoyed all the new flavors within the recipes in the cookbook. My body seems to function better by eating cleaner.
— Dawn Bellamy
I am proud of myself now!
I feel healthier and thinner! Joints are less swollen and achy! I have more energy, I have fewer cravings, my stomach is flatter, my mood is better, and I feel happier. My body is feeling healthier and lighter then it has for a while! I am proud of myself now!
— Anonymous.
I just feel better.
Feel lighter, no headaches, more focused, fewer cravings, sense of calm, loose clothing
I just feel better. Surprise is my family can be eating something that smells yummy, and I pass on it because I know it makes me feel yucky after. Recipes are great and easy!
— Kim S.
I feel leaner and not as blubbery.
fewer cravings, sense of calm, flatter stomach better mood, happier
Sandy was very helpful to find ways for me to have the food available without spending hours preparing it all myself. I have loved the food recommendations from the cookbook and facebook posts. I feel leaner and not as blubbery as I had felt after the holidays:) I certainly plan to continue the ideas from the program after the 3 weeks is over to see what additional benefits I may experience. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it!
— Dede DeYonker.
I’ve reclaimed my energy.
At the beginning, I was feeling tired and bloated. I had ZERO energy. With Sandy’s help, I’ve reclaimed my energy and found a way to make healthy choices daily!
less bloating, flatter stomach, better quality sleep, fewer cravings more energy
— Anonymous.
I feel more in control.
My biggest frustration coming into the program was that I could not control my cravings, and I struggled with weight lost. What surprised me the most is that I have not been hungry. I have eaten out many meals and felt in control. I’m now able to wear boots that had not fit in two years to do swelling on my ankles!
— Anonymous.
Reduced swelling in ankles, breasts and fingers.
My clothes are looser. People say I look thinner…I feel more in control of my diet. My cravings are greatly decreased. I was starting to tip over the top end of my weight range and felt fat in my clothes and concerned about my self-control. I’m continuing to feel thinner… This way of eating is the way for me to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible through the aging process.
— Donna Newman.
Increased and clean energy, reduced stress, understanding of how food makes me feel (cause/effect). My biggest frustration coming into the program was that I couldn’t control cravings, overeating, and sugar consumption. Now I can go through the day without fluctuations in energy level.
— Lana Kuchynski.
Lost 10 pounds. Sleeping better!
I started with the holiday overindulgence blahs… My biggest frustration coming into the program was that I couldn’t control cravings… Noticed that making good food choices wasn’t as hard as I’d feared and the benefits far outweigh the cost… and I can sustain these food choice changes.Now I have increased energy, clothes fit better, skin cleared, inflammation of joints is gone. Making better food choices meant always being full, fewer regrets. Got off Ambien and sleeping better! Lost 10 pounds.
I made the progress I’d hoped for and this time the changes are permanent changes. Together we’ll continue working on improvements.
— Anonymous.
I’ve lost ~30 lbs and am feeling great.
You got me aware of eating real foods and changing my eating habits… I am eating right and not struggling with weight. Attached is a photo from a wedding …I attended…there is nothing holding me other than a bra and my hanky pankies! Oh yeah!
— Leslie R..
I just have to tell you that I am so happy. I’m down 10 pounds since we first started talking and 2 dress sizes!!!
I think that your plan and guidance are amazing and are really working for me. It’s taken me so long to find something that is sustainable and actually works, but it seems as though I might have found it! …I was so worried that I was going to get off track while I was away, but I stuck to what we talked about and it seems to be working…You were so right, the new way of eating that I’m on is becoming second nature.
Thank you!
— Allie M.
OMG! FANTASTIC! I feel SO DAMN GOOD! I’ve lost 6.5 lbs. and I’m only on week 2! I do not crave sugar anymore! I am not constipated anymore! I have more FOCUS and more CLARITY! I feel so much better, physically and mentally. I no longer feel like that obese person walking across the room, I am lighter and more energetic. I am SO HAPPY, EXCITED and OPTIMISTIC for the first time in a LONG TIME! It’s the best thing I could have ever done for myself. THANK YOU SANDY! I LOVE YOU!
— – Angela Vale
You changed my life!
— Sherry Love
I lost 42 lbs!
I went to the doctor for blood work to get my Lipitor prescription refilled and it was all in the IDEAL range! So I’m going to quit taking Lipitor for 3 months and get it rechecked – hopefully I can drop it permanently! Blood pressure was really good too! Also great news, I quit taking my bladder medication and so far so good!” –- J.M.
My jeans are loose now! I lost 10 lbs
I was struggling with losing my post-pregnancy weight. I was feeling frustrated. My clothes did not fit well. I was always moody… My jeans are loose now! I lost 10 lbs, one inch off my waist and 1/2 inch off my neck. I’m able to wear clothes that were too snug before and my moods are more stable. I sleep more deeply and am more energized upon waking up. Nothing beats this feeling of being healthy! I am so LOVING this feeling of not feeling bloated or puffy! I actually want to continue eating this way for the rest of my life.” — Christy McBee
I feel and look leaner and am no longer taking medicine at night for sleeping
because I can now fall asleep and stay asleep without that aid. I see changes in my body and face that I have not seen in 24 years. I am grateful for this program getting me on the right track.”– Dawn Zachariah
Working with Sandy showed me that it’s never too late to start feeling good.
The changes she helped me make have left me feeling years younger and more energetic than I thought was possible.” — Jan Meyers
I feel lighter and have more energy I also don’t feel so achy.
It is a true beginning to a healthier life! You are an amazing inspiration!” — Dawn Marcarelli
More energy, better skin! I love this cleanse!
Eye opening to feel the difference.” — Amy Sengstock
I lost 9 lbs. in 21 days!
I am so glad that it is working! I knew a lot about food but am surprised at how much I have learned! I feel much better, have more energy and feel less swollen : ).” — Deirdre Donnelly
It’s a great way to get back in touch with your body and what it needs vs. what you want.
It’s always seem intimidating to eat clean, like “What am I going to make that will keep me full?”, but the funny thing is that it is the exact opposite…I have a refrigerator full of fresh food and I am now like “What do I get to eat next!” — Nichole Louviaux
I see changes in my body and face that I have not seen in 24 years.
My biggest surprise so far is how good the food is. The cookbook has been my bible….no fooling…I keep it with me where ever I go! I see changes in my body and face that I have not seen in 24 years. Deep down I know these are the foods for me to be eating on a regular basis and I am grateful for this program getting me on the right track. I feel and look leaner, and have gained an appreciation for eating clean food. I am no longer taking medicine at night for sleeping because I can now fall asleep and stay asleep without that aid.” — Dawn Z
I’ve lost 10.4 pounds, and 6 inches in my waist!
I have increased energy, my clothing is fitting better, allergies are lessening and most importantly my knees are not in the excessive pain! My sleep has definitely improved a lot. I love feeling better! I think what surprised me the most was the fact that foods really do make a big difference in what your body is projecting in the area of pain. I was not expecting the pain in my knees to go away as much is it has and for that I am thankful. At the beginning of this program I was so at a loss and tired of doing the same food regimens and diets and everything that I have tried to tried to get the weight off so that I could have a greater quality of life.
In the beginning the changes that I noticed the most was how light I felt and how I didn’t feel bloated. I have lived so long with it and now bloatedness has left and I think my biggest aha moment is how this 21 day detox has changed my life and I have been sharing it with the world and telling people how important it is to have a way of eating that advocates healing in the body. So the ‘A-ha’ for me is how it saved my life.” — Brenda J
I’ve lost a total of 39 pounds
Hi Sandy, I devour each of your emails – thank you for sharing them! They provide both reinforcement of concepts and motivation. You are rewiring my thinking and I’m deeply grateful.
During our Winter Detox Program, I lost lots of inches and 16 pounds. Since then I’ve lost a total of 39 pounds, have more energy and increased confidence as you’ve taught me how to control my cravings and make better decisions. Better decisions about more than just food :-)”
I have shed 5 lbs that I no longer need Woo Hoo!
5 more days until I finish detox, but that’s irrelevant. As I feel the way I am eating is a lifelong plan, not a 21 day plan. Thanks Sandy so many great ideas and recipes that will just become part of every day life now. I have shed 5 lbs that I no longer need Woo Hoo” –Lulu Trevena
I lost 12 lbs. eating the way you taught me! Everyone keeps telling me how amazing I look.
Sandy, I just want you to know that my detox has been very successful. I’ve been through several birthdays, including my own and the loss of my beloved Toby and I still have not wanted to go back to eating sugar, which was my focus for the detox. I followed your suggestions and made many recipes and the whole family enjoyed them. I lost 12 lbs. eating the way you taught me! I plan to continue to follow this way of life because not only do I feel better, but everyone keeps telling me how amazing I look. My skin glows. Thank you so much for your inspiration and support.” — Donna Becker Grossman
Changes in lifestyle are difficult to make on your own.
Much easier when you are supported.
Thank you, Sandy! All the best and much success to you as you endeavor to make us into healthier and livelier people!” — Darina Yankey
I love this cleanse!
Eye-opening to feel the difference.” — Amy Sengstock
Sandy, working with you has transformed my life on several levels.
This is the first program I’ve ever seen that addresses the root issues and not just the symptom. Excess weight is a symptom of a different issue…. I was feeling depressed, desperate and trapped. Trapped by my own habits of eating and drinking too much. Desperate for a new approach – I had tried the others. Depressed over my lack of self-control. Now I’m feeling optimistic, I can feel completely satisfied! I have more energy in the morning; my clothes are not as snug and my face is less puffy! I have increased confidence. I’m retraining unhealthy habits, succeeding at changing what I eat for the first time ever. I’ve wasted a lot of money on WeightWatchers and a doctor-supervised program.
Physiologically, I’ve lost 18 lbs and 16 ” from my neck, arms, chest, hips and legs. The inflammation in my feet has gone away and they don’t ache anymore. More importantly, I regained my MoJo – my swagger. My confidence is renewed that I’m back in control of what I put in my body. I’m no longer a slave to my desires. Thank you for the brains, heart and soul you put into helping others!” — Greg Blackwell
I feel and look leaner and am no longer taking medicine at night for sleeping.
I certainly did not know how I would feel after one week of detox let alone 10 days. I am nearly evangelical about my progress and overall health-both physically and mentally ! I feel leaner and very energized. Thank you for all your help and constant feedback. I am going to miss getting my early morning emails when this is over. But until then…..onward and upward!!!!! – — feeling wonderful. I’ve lost 5 pounds!!! I feel and look leaner and am no longer taking medicine at night for sleeping because I can now fall asleep and stay asleep without that aid.
My biggest surprise so far is how good the food is. The cookbook has been my bible….no fooling…I keep it with me where ever I go! I see changes in my body and face that I have not seen in 24 years. I am grateful for this program getting me on the right track.– Dawn Zachariah
I was feeling “on the fence” re making some food changes.
Now I feel in Control of my choices and I’m reminded of how great I can feel!
Sandy’s support was the step I needed to take to make better choices for food and for better sleep: both leading to overall improved health and better control of my own choices. Loving the program! Thank you Sandy and CRAVE!
It is a great way to jump start a new way of living.
I have more energy, a positive attitude, have lost weight, and my confidence grows each day I succeed in making better food choices. My skin is clearer, my sleep and mood is better, and I am happier and more optimistic! ”
– Lynn Neillie
My clothes are looser, my stomach is flatter I have fewer cravings and am much less moody! I have more energy and am feeling so good, I have more confidence and am so much happier!
OMG You have to do this! I lost 4 lbs and overall look leaner which feels great! Sandy really helps you find why you crave certain foods and helps you find healthy food alternatives. What’s nice is a group of us started this together and Sandy created a Facebook page specifically dedicated to our journey which includes recipes Sandy will post and encouraging daily posts. Each of us can connect with the others in the group with questions, reactions to the food changes we are making or anything else we might want to share. This has been great! Today I made a Souper Squash Soup for the first time and it really was fabulous! I’m certainly eating more greens than ever before and must admit I feel great. You would absolutely love her!!
My clothes are looser, my stomach is flatter I have fewer cravings and am much less moody! I have more energy and am feeling so good, I have more confidence and am so much happier!
It’s a wonderful way to jump start a healthier lifestyle and the Facebook support is absolutely wonderful. The daily posts from Sandy as well as the yummy recipes make the trip to the store a fun adventure. Loving the new foods! ”
– Kathleen Butcher
I lost 6 lbs and 1% body fat!
It always seems intimidating to eat clean, like “What am I going to make that will keep me full?”, but the funny thing is that it is the exact opposite…I have a refrigerator full of fresh food and I am now like “What do I get to eat next!”.
– Nichole Louviaux
I lost 4 lbs.!
So happy:)))” –Cindy Alberhasky
Love, Lisi
I was feeling frustrated with myself, not losing weight.
My clothes did not fit well. I was always moody. When this program came out, I jumped at the chance knowing that this was the “jump start” I needed to get back into eating healthy again and taking care of myself.
At the beginning, I was feeling tired and frustrated with my eating habits and lack of energy. However, I was not motivated enough to change my diet on my own. Felt very eager to jump into the program and have your support and encouragement to take better care of myself so I can influence my daughter and husband to do the same. I have noticed less crankiness (even my husband said so), a leaner body, and more confidence already and we’re only on day 10!
I feel more confident now to continue with cooking. Nothing beats this feeling of being healthy! My jeans are loose now!
I lost 10 lbs, one inch off my waist and 1/2 inch off my neck. I’m able to wear clothes that were too snug before and my moods are more stable. I sleep more deeply and am more energized upon waking up.
I am so LOVING this feeling of not feeling bloated or puffy! I actually want to continue eating this way for the rest of my life. ” —
Christy McBee
“I believe it was divine intervention. I’d been overweight FOREVER!
I have gained knowledge and understanding in a way that I have never had in all my life. So now with the application of these two things I am making healthier and wiser decisions and as long as I stay committed, my life will never be the same.
My favorite change is coming to the realization that I can not achieve perfection… This is a huge weight off my shoulders. Now I can move forward. I understand the purpose of “Crowding Out” so it takes away the feeling of guilt.
Sandy knows what she’s talking about and knows how to deliver it in such a way you will never feel discouraged, failure, or like your down and out. Once you have a talk with Sandy you will realize it’s more than FOOD, it’s about LIFE.
Sandy is inspiring, giving, and committed to this Nutrition thing and it’s not about MONEY it’s a HEART thing with Sandy for which I am extremely GRATEFUL!!
I LOVE YOU AND AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL FOR WHAT YOU ARE GIVING ME. I’ve struggled so very long and because of you, I’m free from unknowingly being an addict to sugar and allowing it to cause havoc in my body… Each day is a new day that I will CRAVE NUTRITION. I love you Sandy Thank You!!! ” — Kenyetta S.
Total weight loss as of today is 36.8 pounds. I splurged and bought myself 4 new pairs of shoes! — Thank you Sandy!
Milestone moments…. Scale dropped below 180 yesterday. Wearing pants today that I haven’t been able to get into for the past year. Total weight loss 17.6 pounds. Hooray!
Thank you Sandy!
Jan M.
Total weight loss as of today is 36.8 pounds. I splurged and bought myself 4 new pairs of shoes! — Thank you Sandy!”
Jan M.
My first session with Sandy was life changing for me.
She was insightful, and a great listener. She has a way of asking the right questions to provoke thought. She doesn’t give you answers, she helps you discover them for yourself! I’m really looking forward to my future sessions!” — Trina P.
I liked the way Sandy explained and recommended things.
Most Importantly she listened.” — Jashira C.
Our office was given a gift.
At first meeting I felt you were educated and interested in not just the food, but overall education of your clients.
Before I started working with you I was eating too much processed food.
Now I know how to read labels and make good food choices for myself and my children. I learned how to make “good for me food” appetizing.
As a result of working with you, I’ve lost weight and I sleep better. You gave me the gift of good food for my daughter, and you were someone to talk through issues with and how they relate to my food choices.
Sandy is well rounded, educated, caring, energetic, and resourceful. You should definitely work with her. She changed my life!
It has been enlightening – a journey to rediscovering me and finding out that I can control very few things in life, but FOOD and health, I CAN!” — Kellye B.
It was what I refer to as a crisis in faith that first brought me to seek a nutrition coach.
I was on a weight loss journey that was going nowhere fast even though I believed I was putting a lot of energy, time, and commitment into it. Even though I am not a conspiracy theorist, I was about to believe weight loss was, somehow, a conspiracy.
As a nurse, I tend to be on the side of science and believed there was no way around the idea that the bottom line was that calories in must not exceed calories out and exercise was a great way to shift calories to the out side of the equation.
That’s when I met Sandy and things began to change. From the first visit, she began to shift my firmly held beliefs about the dreaded calorie and dieting. Over time, I began to adopt the philosophy of holistic nutrition. By that I mean, I shifted my focus from weight to health, wholeness, vitality, energy, and a wonderfully clear mind.
I was on a vicious circle of blood sugar problems and sleep disturbances…. My crisis in faith had turned out to be a crisis of personal faith brought on my doubting myself which was such a huge thing to me.
I learned that doubts can block weight loss. I learned that believing in oneself is imperative. I learned things that didn’t really seem to have anything about food, but the connection became clear as time went on. I learned the importance of getting some good training on what foods are really foods and fit for consumption and how to shop for them, care for them, and prepare them.
I am very grateful to Sandy for being who she is and for being just what I needed.” — Lauren
Sandy,I thoroughly enjoyed every minute spent with you at Whole Foods yesterday. Thank you!
The way that you share your knowledge is so easy to follow and makes so much sense to me. I had a tendency to get a little overwhelmed there, but now feel much more confident. <
Many, many thanks.” — Linda C.
I followed most if not all of your recommendations……and I have to tell you that I am feeling soooooo much better.
After all the medications i was taking of which none did the trick, your nutritional advice really worked. I am now off all prescription medications! I just have to thank you and let you know how much it has helped me.
Thanks again” — Rose H.
I feel so good and so balanced, Sandy!
I’ve never felt this in control of my health and well-being. This is such a rewarding process! I am really enjoying the journey!” — Brooke B.
It is with pleasure that I endorse Sandy Dalis.
Sandy came to my office in January (2010) of this year to assist myself and my associates in our New Years’ resolution to begin eating healthy. Sandy met with each of the associates individually and tailored a plan specifically for them to reach their goals. She acknowledged that each of us are individuals with different sets of challenges and that there is no such thing as a “One Eating Plan Fits All.” Sandy provided us with knowledge, an awareness of what we were eating and why, and options for healthy substitutions. My group of 6 lost over 150 pounds and we were not dieting, but eating healthy for our bodies. That was a great triumph for us all, but more importantly, we acquired tools that we can use to assist us in eating healthy and being happy for the rest of lives.
I would highly recommend Sandy to anyone that wants to begin that journey to a healthy body & mind.” Service Category: Nutritionist Year first hired: 2010 Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, Expert”
— Jini Thornton
What a difference!
I’m finally learning how to put my health first, realizing that I deserve to be thinner and healthier! It’s an incredible realization that is helping me press on towards my goal! Thank you for teaching me how to change my life for the better, Sandy! You are such a blessing to me.” — Brooke B.
Sandy is a wonderful health counselor!
She not only helped me “kick” my sugar cravings she gave me the knowledge to understand what foods will give me real energy vs what foods will leave me feeling tired. I highly recommend working with Sandy if you want to feel better,have more real energy, and look your best. She is not only a supportive health counselor but an inspiring person to know! ” — Jenny Fuller
Where do I begin? From our first consultation, I expected great things – and I have not been disappointed.
I enjoyed the lessons learned while cooking together, the workshop with my friends, and grocery shopping at Whole Foods. I’ve tremendously improved my eating habits and I am grateful to have had a coach who listens and cares like you!”
Sincerely, Rolanda
I have learned so much!
I feel better with more energy and can really tell a difference in the gym. It is not just about food, she works with you about emotional eating/issues not related to food. Her approach is for the whole person (eating, emotions, purpose etc). I have found it very interesting and informative. I have become aware of things I wasn’t even aware of.” –Jen
Top qualities: Great Results , Personable , Expert
Sandy Dalis is one of the most phenomenal health experts I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.Whether you are looking to lose 20 pounds forever without counting calories, or are an elite athlete who wants to eliminate processed foods from your diet, she helps you make real, sustainable changes that enhance your life. Brimming with enthusiasm and empathy, she focuses on the food-mood connection in a way that makes your health goals easy and achievable. Thanks Sandy!” — Shira Miller
“Sandy is a delight and a steadfast champion of healthy living.
She’s accommodating, diligent and supportive of one’s efforts to better lifestyle choices. I recommend her highly!” — Susan Yarbrough
When I first met with Sandy from Crave Nutrition, I was a mess.
Although I considered myself fit (triathlete) and healthy (vegetarian), I was suffering with a number of ailments:
- I had been doctor-diagnosed with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), and on more than one occasion landed in an ER with debilitating stomach pains;
- migraines which, according to my mom, were hereditary;
- seasonal allergies, for which I took prescription medication; and
- difficulty falling and staying asleep.
During our initial session, she was able to quickly focus in on the sources of my issues.
Together, we developed a game plan that worked within the constraints of my life. With Sandy’s subsequent guidance and support, I am thrilled to report that my stomach pains, migraines and allergies are all gone, and without medication! And I now fall asleep on time and sleep solidly through the night. Thank you, Sandy!!!” — Mike
This is a GREAT program.
I am seeing very positive changes and believe this new way of eating will result in long-term changes that will continue to support good health!!”
I lost 6 lbs and 1% body fat!
It always seems intimidating to eat clean, like “What am I going to make that will keep me full?”, but the funny thing is that it is the exact opposite…I have a refrigerator full of fresh food and I am now like “What do I get to eat next!”.
— Nichole Louviaux